DESIGNED , COMPOSED & CODED (javascript, P5.js, Ableton)
The collective healing experience was created with the yearning for an environment that is not only healing, but knowledgable and can assist the collective human experience towards a more relatable space. We all are growing through things and why not have a space where we can share communal ways of healing and learn from one another, with a combination of also receiving healing simultaneously. The goal for stage one is to create an interactive healing space where you can utilize color theory, as well as sound frequency to assist the bodies flow through energy centers. When clicking next, you are moved to stage two. The goal for stage two is to continue the color science, but also a time to get to know beings and “how they heal.” By opening the floor and receiving that knowledge it allows the being to add to the collective shared space. Subsequently, you are guided to stage three. The goal of stage three is the sharing of information on healing and color therapy, but also to get to visually experience and learn from the collective in which the being just participated in, initiated by pressing on the “ways of communal healing” button. Ultimately, this is a tool that can be passed on, visited at leisure, but also learned through. A sense of guidance and understanding happens when you giver the control over to the collective and hand over the tools to grow.
//Audio and Visual designed by Natalie Weaver
//Sound bite from my Great Aunt Annie reciting her poem 'Rose' about her granddaughter
//The idea here is to create an experience that co-creates between audio and visual. In design, we have the ability to redirect how things live in the world and how they are experienced. With 'Loom', the goal was to allow the ambient audio to control the aura of the media. Also, with the ability to color shift, using keys listed below; (see directions) the user can create a safe space that is customized to their liking.
//Thus, allowing audio and visual transform and reimagine already existing space. The audio visual design is meant to be perceived on a large scaled screen, and/or projection. To further this idea, I would like to develop hardware that assists in controlling the visual and sound design.
//Keys (x-m) control the ability to color shift
//Mouse Pressed on canvas starts and stops audio
//Volume controls speed of diffusion
//Audio frequency spectrum controls the origin points of fluidity
//Play with the form and allow the audio to take over the function, feel free to also pause audio and just experience the media
Designed, coded, fabricated, and wired by Natalie Weaver
Audio / Visual device and software to change space through customization by User
The combination between Audio and Visual to create a personalized experience that allows the user to design a safe space
There is an audio reactive option, where the code will take frequencies from the audio and alter the visuals according to said frequency. Instilling the idea, that every song is different; therefore every visual will provide a different experience.