This project was in light of percieveing time differently and re-configuring what that looks like on an individual level. Utilizing the cycles of time that the moon circulates through (the 27 day cycle, the 14 day cycle, and the daily cycle) it provided a simular ideology and internal clock as humans do. Coded in Visual Studio Code using html, javascipt, and css. The idea here is to provide a tool, both personal and publicly accessible, that allows beings to check the moon phase of the day
Each day it will update to reflect the current status drawing inspiration from:
-surf webcams
-nasa’s library of data
-woman’s menstruation cycle
-simple web design
-science data bases
Design wise:
-simple and standardized ‘scientific design’ —> less about being friendly and more about the bare bone information
-going to display the moon in the center of the black screen
-date / time will be displayed in military time